All - We have been invited to an Adventure Team meeting on October 18, 2004. It is gonna be at the REI on 635/Preston in DFW and will start around 630PM.

There is no cost to you what-so-ever if you wish to attend. If you are wondering who Adventure Team is, they are the group that put us in their magazine. They plan and particpate in doznes of events throughout the year such as sailing, paintballing, camping, hiking, adventure racing, kayaking, rock climbing, SUBA diving and whatever else is fun and exciting. Also, their events cater to a variety of skill levels so no one will be left high and dry.

I have exactly no clue what is gonna happen at the meeting, but I would place money on 'here is what we have going on, anyone want to do other stuff?' and then you socialize.

So, for those of you who want to live what Nissan calls the 'Xterra Lifestyle' here is your chance to SHIFT_gears and get off the couch!

SWXC Member #61
Stop plate tectonics!