All right peeps. Yes, I called you peeps.

I'm still feeling DV. While the thought of Moab had crossed my mind and not completely escaped, I really do love DV this time of year. Or any other, for that fact.

The plan is still fast and loose. Leave the 26th, come home when the mood hits, 30th, 31st, something like that. Maybe earlier.

I'm still thinking roaming and staying out in the backcountry. Though, I'm not opposed to heading to Stovepipe if the weather starts to really suck and base camping there (near the bar). laugh

Tom and Randy, you still thinking of going? Frank, have you landed that big deal and freed up a bunch of time from the man? Anyone else feel like photographing the great outdoors?

Another thought. Have spoken to a few others who have to work that week but might be into something Fri and Sat. Might be fun to come back early and head to Big Bear, run Rattlesnake Canyon or 3N08 in the snow? Hmmm.

I'm Xmas shopping and doing a pre-flight on the X tomorrow. Call me or check in here if you've got any thoughts.
