Originally posted by BurgPath:
Nope, not buying it.

And the skateboard and cars passing each other are poor analogies.

To me this is no different then being on a bike thats on a treadmill. The treadmill moves backwards at the same speed my wheels move forward.

If you come up behind me and push me, and the treadmill compensates for the added forward motion (as the original problem states), I will stay in the same place.

To me, thats what the plane and its thrust do.
You're killing me... [Finger]

Just wait 'til your in town next weekend. I'll take you out to the airfield and let you stand behind a 747-200 as it spools up to break-away thrust... It'll be like flying a Kevin Kite.

I assure you. The plane takes off. NOTHING on the ground, spinning the tires, is going to prevent those engines from moving the plane. The earth below it can move at whatever speed it wants; doesn't matter.

Here's an example:
