Once again, not digging on anyone.

My daughter just turned 3. She's completely potty trained. Was walking at 7 months. She can speak very well. Knows her alphabet and numbers up to 20, can add up to 4, can read/spell/write small words (cat, and, the, dog, etc.) and uses the computer very well. She can spell her name, knows both of our cell phone numbers, and our complete address. She's already in preschool a year and a half early. We are extremely social and do a lot of activities with her (going to the parks, playdates, museum, zoo, library, etc.), we read to her every single day. We had to get her tested because she was "maturing" faster than we anticipated and thought that maybe she had a "problem" of one sort or another (aspergers runs in my family). She tested out at almost the five year old level.

I don't know if it has anything to do with my wife being a fulltime "homemaker" or not, but if you get my daughter together with a bunch of kids her own age, she is always the ring leader and she always stands out. She'd much rather play with the older children.

My question. If a woman decides to stay at home, is she any less of a "modern" woman for it? I think a lot of women feel "weaker" if they can't say they work for a living. Most of my wife's friends are like that. I know they'd rather stay home, but feel like they would be looked down upon.

Either way it's all good as long as you love your children and they love you.
Must stay away from political/religious debates. Must stay away........