XPLORx4 -- No, that is not the scenario I was debating.

Rock -- I understand exactly what you are saying. It was a good post...(until your next post with your obvious jab).

I do think we are not all looking at the scenario the same way. Some have made comments about the wheels and friction. I wasn't even considering that because that is irrelevant to the given scenario.

Considering that this is a hypothetical situation, I'm not sure there is a correct answer. I think we are all incorporating some assumptions into our answers.

I just did a little internet searching on this scenario and I was surprised to see that it has been discussed in many places on the web. This is the first time I've ever seen this question posed. Some sites have extremely long threads regarding this topic. I haven't found any place that seems to provide a consensus even among people who claim to be engineers and scientists.

I have seen many people start calling each other names and attacking each other over a hypothetical situation. Maybe that is why someone here thought this thread would go to the ALR. [Freak] It's good to see that this discussion has been civil for the most part.

Does the question or scenario have enough information to generate a correct answer? I don't know. Maybe not. There are very valid points to be made for and against the flight of the aircraft in this hypothetical scenario.