The answer is the conveyor can never stop the plane from moving. Forward motion is provided by an external force outside the conveyors control. What does the plane care how fast the conveyor is moving? It's relative motion to a stationary object is unaffected by the conveyor.

I thought the walkway and tow rope explaination worked but some of you guys ignored it.

Take a toy car and stick it on a treadmill... Hold it in your hand and turn the treadmill on. The wheels spin matching the speed of the conveyor. Move your arm forward and backward relative to the conveyor. Does the conveyor speed affect your ability to move the car faster or slower on the conveyor?

Turn the speed up on the treadmill. Standing off to the side, can you still push the car towards the front of the conveyor? Was there enough resistance to make it impossible to move the car forward?

The wheel speed is independent of motion of the car on the treadmill because it's means of propulsion (your hand/arm) is independent of the treadmill.

Now a normal car being driven by the wheels on the same conveyor would go no where relative to objects not on the conveyor.

Man I hope this helps.

I'm starting to think you're just jerking us around to see how long we'll try to explain it before we get frustrated to the point of exhaustion.