Originally posted by Big Daddy Chia:
Why would I need to defend my self. IN my business I meet very few educated black people. Very few. Most of them are ignorant, dumb asses who think they deserve something in life because there relatives were slaves at one point in time. SOme times I'd rather have the mexicans here. At least they get off their asses and work instead of collecting welfare checks. They at least wnat a chance at a better life. Most black people dont care and would rathe pop out babies by 10 different daddies so they keep gettin that check.
I know it's easy to fall into the belief of that stereotype, especially if you work in a field were you are exposed to it daily, but being married into a black family, I can tell you that out of all my in-laws, a good many people mind you, I only have 4 that fit your bill and one of the four is white.

No offense either Chia, but you just described a good portion of the people in West Virginia that I have been exposed to, and they weren't dark skinned.

What doesn't help the "black" population in this country is things like the L.A. riots, New Orleans, Juneteenth etc....

I think there is still a lot of fear in this country derived from race. Some in the black community battle that ingrown fear by thumbing their noses at the system, some cower, and some rise above it. Some are just assholes, skin color not withstanding.

I was driving my father in law to the store (he's old school black) and I ran a stop sign and got pulled over. You would have thought I murdered someone, the way Jerry was acting when that cop rolled up to my door. I told the officer I didn't see the sign and he let me go with a warning. Jerry couldn't believe it. He really was afraid. A 62 year old man, afraid! I don't walk in his shoes, so I don't know, but that fear was real man. I felt pretty bad for him. Things like that just cement the belief that white people are treated better than blacks in this country. According to him, he's never gotten let off with a warning. I always get let off with a warning. Do I feel bad about being white? Hell no, but there is definitely some major cultural shit attributing to the way some ethnic groups act, and once again, some are just plain assholes.

I guess it depends where you are etc.
Must stay away from political/religious debates. Must stay away........