Originally posted by JohnC:
If you send out signals to folks that you don't belong, they'll make sure you don't. I think it's in peoples' nature to destroy others, especially if you don't fit in. But I also think that some folks are more prone to violence than others.

Persecute me all you want, but answer this: How many races are still living in the jungles and pounding drums? I can think of one. How many races still believe that it's cool to eat your neighbors in triumph believing that you'll gain their strength? One comes to mind. How many races live in a modern, civilized society but believe that sacrificing chickens will place a religious curse on their opponents? Hmmmm. How many races believe that it's OK to sacifice your life, and take out as many others as possible, in the name of your supposed god and that you'll have a host of virgins waiting for you in the afterlife? Are you kidding me?

I believe that it's encoded within the DNA of some races to act first (e.g., emotion, fight or flight, etc.), and to think later (e.g., intelligence, rational thought, etc.), or to not think at all (e.g., it's god's will, it's what the holy book dictates, etc.).

As with anything, there are exceptions and some individuals are destined to rise above others, regardless of what color they wear on the surface of their skin. Some individuals are also destined to live life scraping by, intentional or not. Regardless of what an individual may believe, we all have ten fingers, ten toes, and we ALL bleed red.

Who knows, maybe this is a result of hundreds of years racial persecution. Maybe it's also a result of tens of thousands of years of evolution, survival of the fittest, etc. I do know that I don't have the answer. I'm just trying to get through life unscathed.

- Race withheld.
In the words of Bob Dylan... Is there a hole for me to get sick in?