Originally posted by NismoXse02:
I'm glad this made the news. Let's see how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson handle this. :rolleyes:
I rarely put my .02 in on these subjects, I just sit back and enjoy the pointless threads, and notice which people I would not care for in real life... laugh

Can we turn this around.... Can a black guy drive through my neighborhood and and hit a white boy? And what if A mob of white people beat a black man to death? Those 2 "racists against white people" would form a million man march to burn and riot and mob and rape that community for justice...to be honest, a MAJORITY of the "African American" race bring this upon themselves with these kinds of acts. Why do people argue this? Like when white people are associated with being dumb white crackers, who like there huntin or what not... We laugh it off... It's becoming a one sided deal that being white causes you to be hated by the black race. And racism is a 2 sided debate when it comes to inner city black people...Cause it's ok to hate white people :rolleyes: Sorry, just my opinion