I wanted to stay out of this one but ill jump in.

Regardless of your skin color every ethnic background has people that are of a lower social and economic class. Last time I visisted family I would classify many of them as "white trash." Not rednecks but bonna fide trash that should be removed from society because they bring the rest of us down.

People like GEN. Colin Powell, Frederick Douglass, George Washington Carver, and the list goes on simply shows that one can change their future if they have the drive and desire to do so...that is why this country is so great.

These days it is not a single race or ethnic issue it is a whole nation issue. My wifes family are exceptionally hard working and live in a nice area of Mexico City...they earned it.
However, many young people now just want a hand out or the easy way. They do not know respect, or work ethic and that is parents fault. Parents are scared to discipline kids now because some loud mouth will report them to CPS. Give me a fucking break. My dogs are more well behaved than many kids I see running around stores now...ive said that to parents while in these stores as well...kinda pisses them off too!!!!

Someone mentiond the whole religon thing. Well here is a bomb for you. Granted now a days the Islamic faith gets the bad press but that is a small percentage of the over 1.3 billion muslims in the world. Arab culture is so radically different from ours but time will bring a change.

Back to my point from above. If my history lessons arent too fuzzy then the Catholic Church is the root cause for some of the greatest events of human suffering ever. 1st, 2nd, 3rd crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, witch trials all over Europe and America, and lets not forget that the Catholic Church appeased a guy named Adolf Hitler in his efforts to exterminate Europes Jews, Homsexuals, Gypsys, mentally ill persons, and people born with disfigurements. In fact when the crusades happened the Europeans were still drilling holes in peoples heads to "release the evil spirits" while Arab doctors were performing life saving surgeries....many Europeans retained the services of Arab doctors during the crusades.

You see the moral and ethical decay of this country is the reason events like that happen. There is no one specific cause for this but a large part is to blame on the liberal ideology of a free open more socialist society where one can do "as they feel." Do you think all those people wanted to build that damn pyramid in the buring hot sun????? This country tries too hard to make an excedingly small minority politically viable while expensing the vast majority. Everyone here has the same rights so why cave in so much????

If you all are so appaled at this event and others like it then get off your ass and vote for change.


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrannts."

Thomas Jefferson