Originally posted by TJ:
This thread is showing a microcosm of society as a whole.

We have the normal generalizations, and the normal basis for those generalizations.

The people who live in areas where the blacks were like everyone else, think blacks are like everyone else..

...the people who live where the blacks are dangerous, think blacks are dangerous.

No surprises really...one is dealing with fresh water fish, one is dealing with salt water fish.

Each knows what a damn fish is, and assumes the other side is idiotic.

Once each has formed a world view...it is enforced by each incident that supports the view, and events or incident that do not support the view are considered to be salient examples/exceptions, rather than evidence that the view is incorrect.

That too is normal...we generalize, and assume that rules apply outside of immediate experience...otherwise, we'd walk into each restaurant, and not be sure how to order, etc...we assume its like the other restaurants.

If we walk into a restaurant, and there's no menus, the waiter just stares at you...you'd think, that's weird, NOT that you were wrong all along how restaurants work.

OK - So that's how humans process their world...so far, so good.

Fish...if we assume they're all the same, but they're not...say we are talking to a fellow fisherman, and he swears there's giant fish that eat people, called sharks...LOTS of them.

Now, you KNOW there's no such thing, you have seen every damn fish, and none of them are that big, or could eat someone, not even a big 'ol Muskie.

Now, lets say that a bunch of other people also mention these sharks....

And lets say that the sharks are a touchy subject, because the people who lost kids to them, etc...are really tired of the people like you telling them there are no sharks...

And you find its "politically incorrect" to talk about there being no sharks...people are alwayys pissed at you if you do.

Well, one day, you're in an area that you normally are not in...and you see these giant fish with a large fins, and say, what the hell, there IS such a thing...I saw it...

Well, OK, maybe there are SOME sharks...but, I'm sure all the OTHER fish stories are BS.


Lets say a (Statistically) that a shark is a black guy who works hard, has a wife and kids, pays his taxes and doesn't cause any trouble.


You will NEVER give up your world view, any more than you'll think the plac witout menues is a "normal" restaurant.

So - that's why there's prejudice...because we know what we know, based upon our experiences.

And that's why black people in economically disadvantaged areas are there...they think whites are the enemy...the cops are the enemy, society's the enemy.

How can you grow up thinking working hard and doing your homework will get you anywhere, when the gangs beat you up if you don't join, and the only successful role models are pimps and drug dealers in big cars and gold teeth?

Its like Italians who try to imply they're in the Mafia....especially since Sopranos came out....being a thug "who gets away with it" is a status symbol...they beat the system.

Its human nature...the blacks in the ghettos are just as prejudiced as the whites, for the same reasons...that's what their experiences have taught them.

Those blacks will never change their mind, nor more than their white counterparts will.

So - BOTH sides will be right, because of being wrong.

Dude... I totally just read that in my head with Chef's dad narrating that... could be the be the beers talking.

Oh and that will be about uhhhh three fiddy... laugh
confused previous X owner/then a previous Rover owner/ back to an X owner
07 Avalanche OR X 4x4