Originally posted by jorge:

One day you're going to surprise people with an independent thought.

Cause everything is black and white. Every person waterboarded is a terrorist. Every person executed is guilty. Only good information is grabbed from torture.

Just think for once, if we torture or kill one innocent person, aren't we the guilty ones?
How about you one day surprising everyone with an opinion that is based on some facts and not emotion or propaganda.

Every person this country has waterboarded has been a terrorist. It also has only been used in a few cases.

I realize people like you always wish to extend your "everything is gray" argument and moral equivalence to include even the worst terrorists in the world. Especially when you think it is politically expedient.

Waterboarding is not torture. Waterboarding has also saved people's lives.

You people on the left are always claiming you are concerned about the lives of innocent people. Waterboarding has saved the lives of innocent people.

Your supposed concern for innocent people is specious at best.