Shahram said it well...wrong is wrong. There is a flaw in people (or countries) that justify their own actions by citing the actions of others. Some of you claim the only people being tortured are "captured international terrorists." How do you know which of the however many people we've rounded up are terrorists and which just got caught in the net? You don't care because you just want somebody to suffer for what's been done to America.

You guys are pissed off because Osama and his crowd kicked our country in the nuts on 9/11. So am I. We've been chasing our own tails in Iraq instead of devoting every resource we have towards capturing Bin Laden, and if you're not pissed about that, you should be. You want justice, and so do I. I'm just not willing to become the enemy because of what the enemy did to us.

You want to protect America? Get some serious security in place on the border and in our ports before somebody smuggles a nuke across the Rio Grande or into the port of New Orleans and vaporizes a city. Make the TSA more than a joke. Those are things we need to work on.

You know, you guys point out the horrific things done by terrorists, the beheadings and so on. Well, in their minds, those actions are justified because of the horrible things they think America has done. Then you say torture is justified because they behead people and fly planes into buildings. You're using the same justification they are. Can't you see that?