I agree that when people compare marijuana to alcohol it is completely ridiculous and absurd. (For the most part, it is usually pot stoners who make such comparisons. Often as an argument to validate their pot usage).

I also find it absurd when pot stoners claim that marijuana is a natural substance and therefore it is harmless. If these stoners feel that everything "natural" is fine and harmless, let them go into the woods near their house and eat all the mushrooms and berries they find growing "naturally". Natural does not mean harmless... unless, of course, your brain is fried from smoking too much "nature".

Pot is a harmful substance. Maybe not in the short term, but long term use has many lasting and harmful effects on the body and the mind.

Does anyone really think that every major corporation does drug testing for new employees for the sole reason that pot is a controlled substance? Of course not. No employer wants a pothead working for their company. For the most part they are idiots. They become idiots because of their pot usage.

Long-term pot use completely destroys an individual's ambition. It makes most individuals anti-social. There is a reason why society has the term "burnout" to describe frequent pot users.

Every single one of us knows a frequent pot user and we all know that they will never reach their full potential in life because of their pot usage. Many of them have completely stunted their entire development because of their pot usage.

The public has been brainwashed by popular culture into thinking that pot usage is something that is basically benign. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that ... it is most definitely what is called a "gateway drug" and it is very harmful to the individual human psyche.

You would be extremely hard pressed to find any crack addict or heroin addict who told you they became curious and attracted to their initial narcotic usage because a beer or a glass of wine tasted really good.

What sometimes amazes me the most is the fact that many anti-cigarette smoking people are often pro-pot smoking people. Pot has many of the same harmful effects as cigarette smoking and many studies actually claim it is just as bad or far more hazardous for the body than cigarette smoking. Yet, these people prefer to disregard the harmful smoking effects of pot because pot gets you high... and basically makes you stupid. Maybe that is why some egregious and nefarious politicians support legal marijuana. A stupid and stoned population would be more malleable and easier to control.

Marijuana is a Schedule I drug.

The United States is also not the only country in the world that has outlawed marijuana usage. In fact most countries on earth have outlawed marijuana.

Society is already on a dangerous slippery slope regarding drug use. We have an extremely large percentage of the population on prescription drugs of one sort of another. Many for psychological and anti-depressant reasons. A large percentage of children in this country are dangerously on prescription medication including all sorts of stimulants and anti-depressants commonly used to treat things like attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders. Much of it because we are becoming a lazy society and would rather medicate both adults and children.... instead of dealing with life itself.

This country needs less drugs, not more drugs. Both legal and illegal. (Less laziness through convenience would go a long a long way too).

Legalizing pot would be very dangerous to society. They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Legalizing pot would waste an awful lot of minds.

I know some will say they smoke pot or have a friend who smokes pot and is doing fine in life. That is the exception, not the rule. There are always exceptions.

Many people claim they support legalizing pot across the board in society. Have they really thought out their positions? Have their opinions been clouded by their own pot smoke induced brains?

Will they support such permissiveness when that means their own adult children can legally smoke pot right in front of them? Can a society who claims to care about future generations be willing to squander that future on such permissiveness as allowing the ambitions of it's children to be sucked away through copious amounts of EZ-Wider rolling paper and bong hits?

Genetics provides enough idiots in society. We don't need to be creating future generations of more unambitious and lazy idiots by legalizing pot.

If you are a socialist or some other type of authoritarian, then the prospect of creating more idiotic drones within society may be an attractive prospect. It may even be attractive to the anarchists.

A democratic republic cannot survive by allowing its population to slide into narcotic induced stupors and whatever permanent damage that may imply on such population.