I went to Centennial Park in ATL to watch the fireworks display last night and woke up to a car covered in ash. I took it to the car wash and they couldn't get all of the ash marks off. I am no expert and these guys apparently are not either but it appears that embers from the fireworks burned into the clear coat. It still could be only on the surface but they used a couple of different solutions and a towel but the spots did not come off. Can this kind of thing be buffed out? Will I have to put a new finish on the car? My insurance company is going to try to get this covered by the pyrotechnic company but it is Progressive and every claim I have ever had with them did not go my way. Anyone have ideas as to what I should do so I can avoid ruining the paint more...? Any shops in atlanta? This is a brand new 05 xterra that I have had for only three months... SUX!