Spent the day washing my rig good and applying Klasse's paint sealant. Like the other's on here, I am not so concerned about a deep glass like finish as much as a shine that will protect the paint. This stuff is so easy to apply and a few ounces will do the whole rig. It isn't a wax that will wash right off, its an acrylic that bonds to the paint. I'm going to give it another coat and see how it goes. It's suppose to last 6 months to a year.

Here's the link: http://superiorcarcare.net/klasse.html

One other thing. I removed the top bin to get at the paint underneath and thought I would remove the plastic front wind fairing as well. Well, the bin came out no problem just by removing four screws. I noticed the fairing had four screws as well and two simple retaining clips. I began to unscrew one of the outside screws just above the windshield that secures the fairing to the roof and the screw just stripped loose and would not come out. Oops! I couldn't tighten it back, so a litte silicon around the screw head to ensure water didnt leak inside and the fairing stayed where it was, not to be removed by me. So just remove the bin if you want to clean that area of the roof!