I'm not sure of the answer to it yet... I'm a memeber of Mn-jeep, they suggested to check the link that i posted above, I won't have time to do so till after wednesday. I guess the problem is more common that i knew, atleaI'm not sure of the answer to it yet... I'm a member of Mn-jeep, they suggested to check the link that I posted above, I won't have time to do so till after Wednesday. I guess the problem is more common that I knew, at least with the 87-95 YJ's. One extra note to the whole thing is that about 2 miles before I noticed this happening, The wheel would either pull left or right when I was stopping…. The drag each way almost felt as if one of the tires was extremely low if not flat. The problem would switch between wheels at every other stop light or so. st with the 87-95 yj's.