I'm pretty sure that this is the problem with my X. A/C was working like a champ, then one morning after sitting all night, the A/C didn't want to get cold.

When I turn it on low, I can hear a slight hissing coming out of the vent, like there is a leak or something. The blower works fine, and I can hear the compressor clicking on and off, but it just won't get cold.

Quite honestly, I'm not even trying to handle this myself. Although I'm not an A/C tech, I am a mechanic and I'm positive that I could do the repair. However my mindset is this: I'm not paying extra money for an extended warranty that I'm not going to use. Plain and simple..

My X only has 64k and change on it. The A/C going out at this stage is just unacceptable and the dealership will be taking care of it. I'll pay my $100 deductable and let the warranty company take care of the rest.. fugg em! lol
00 X
08 Expedition EL
97 GS-T