Originally posted by Mobycat:
Originally posted by Kirby:
[b]Stetson University for me it started in '93, used to be a "Southern Baptist" university. Got away from the baptists church for their primary funding and were told they were not culturally diverse enough, so alot of white students (myself included)lost financial aid, grants, and scholarships so they could attract minority students from other countries.
I'm curious as to which awards/loans got cut off. Can't pretty much anyone get a Stafford loan? I don't know which other ones are publicly/privately funded, but let's face it...a private entity can pretty much do whatever it wants (within reason, obviously) and there's not much you can do about it.

And how many exactly is "a lot?" I'm not saying it didn't happen to you...but it seems like when someone gets slapped in the face like it appears you did, they tend to exaggerate how many others it happened to.[/b]
I did have a stafford loan, academic scholarship, and grants from the school itself. The grants were eliminated my junior year and this is the reason I was given. Not coincidentally they had recently started an international students program. I can't give you accurate numbers, but it is a small school and I know of quite a few students who went elsewhere to finish their degree because of it.
"What's wrong, wake up on the wrong side of your mom this morning?"