Not sure if this is cliched or not, but I tend to think of sexuality like a plumber would. Male adapters just arent meant to be fitted to male adapters! Theres a reason why female adapters fit so well to a male adapter and work right and fine. wink

So yes, I am anti-gay. Physically it doesnt match up and morally its wrong too. (at least in my humble opinion). Does this mean im insecure? Whatever you want to think. It's the oldest retaliatory excuse in the book, and its cheap and unoriginal. I have gay friends (as do most people) and have no problem getting along. I just dont agree at all with their "preference".

Gays in the military is an even stupider prospect. If they want to be gay, fine, but you better keep it to yourself while working. Conform to the normal accepted military dress code (that weve abided by since our country was started!), dont be hitting on other guys, and dont expect these ridiculous military gay pride rituals!