Why is it that almost anytime anyone speaks in a not-so-"patriotic" way they are immediatly branded as whatever the flag-wavers term is for that day; traitor, sellout, etc.?
Why are you people so afraid of dissent? Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Johnny Depp, me, etc. It's always the same patetic points that you guys always bring up too.

"If you don't like it...leave",

"They don't have a problem taking money from us for their crappy movies, music, whatever"

Your responses are so weak, tired and old. I'll say it again; this country was founded on dissent, revolt and free speech. I am sick and fucking tired of being told to shut up, get in line and buy fucking Pepsi! Your demands to silence those that speak out will only make us scream louder, don't you get that? For fucks sake; unemployement is up, stock markets down, soldiers are dying, WTO, IMF and the World Bank are stonger than ever, we now allow advertising in National Parks, civil liberties are being taken away, the earth is "hotter" than ever, Halliburton and Carlyle Group are getting richer and were getting poorer. If now is not the time to speak up, when is?
"I came for the soccermommycars but I stayed for the retards."