Originally posted by WilMac1023:
[QUOTE]Blah,blah,...If Arafat were to go, the entire Islamic middle east would rise up and kick Israel's ass...and more blah blah.
WTF are you talking about? confused Last time Israel faced the "Islamic World" the "Islamic World" got their asses kicked in six friggin days man! Get your facts together dude. We have been trying to prevent Israel from unleashing hell on earth if they were to be attacked again. Let me ask you this, What do you think Israel would have done if a 911 type attack happened on their soil? Even your buddy Osama hasn't the balls to do something like that. A true man of conviction would have attacked Israel. After all, his so called goal of 911 was his contempt for our support of Israel. Right? That's what he said in the videos remember? If Osama would have done that, the fight would have been over much more quickly at a much more devastating cost.

Fact is my friend, the islamic extremist would slit your christian throat and dance in celebration while you bled to death. They especially HATE people like YOU! No matter how much you try to embrace them and their increasingly more screwed up philosophy.

Have your interpreter buddy explain that more clearly for you. wink