Just checked the headlines and a 26 year old American Contractor was beheaded over the weekend. The animals responsible said it was for the prisoner abuse allegations. What a bunch of low life pieces of shit that don't deserve to live. More reason to bomb the hell out of them and call it a day. Over 1500 Americans were put on trial for "Prisoner Crimes" during WWII and about 36 of them were executed by the Military. The military can and will police itself as long as the Damned media would stay out of it. This is a war not a media oppurtunity. We need to hunt down and slaughter these terrorists and make examples of them so that their coward ass cave dwelling camel fucking friends might wake up and realize that they pissed off the wrong fucking people. Sorry for the ranting just needed to get this off my chest. And yes I am in the Military and DAMNED PROUD TOO!!!!!!!!
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrannts."

Thomas Jefferson