What is happening in Iraq is a direct result of the impotency of the Clinton Administration. There were over five seperate incidents during his administration that were directly linked to Al-Queda, at the time!! He neglected to take action. At one point our Special Purpose Units had Bin Laden in their sights but due to Clinton's inability to properly yield the military he did nothing. He slashed the operating budget of the CIA in favor of "technology" and we had 9/11. What is going on now needs to be done. You can not expect a group of people to one day live under tyranny and the next well, nothing. We as a Military are not peace keepers, nor humainitarian workers. Our only lot in life is the death and destruction of our enemies with the smallest loss to ourselves. It is that simple and true. Talk to a young Lieutenant who has lost one of his soldiers, or talk to the notificaton officer who has to go to the door of parents and you will then understand the rage and frustration that we experience. I am not condoning those actions but lets face the facts. You are presented with the filth that is killing your fellow soldiers what would you do? I am very glad to see that most of you here at XOC are very supportive of our military and I thank you. Rest assurd the job will be done and incidents like this probably will happen again but those individuals will be brought to justice. Again, Thanks.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrannts."

Thomas Jefferson