Originally posted by off2cjb:
The man was there on his own money grubbin' freewill. They tell you the dangers involved when you take the job. He should have known better. $130k tax free ain't worth getting killed over.

Either we get out of Iraq very soon, or turn our troops loose and let them do their jobs and damn the liberals in this country.
He wasn't there for money, but to help rebuild the city and do his small part in a huge movement. He represented himself and didn't have a crew to work with. He wasn't a contractor of any of the companies involved with the rebuilding of Iraq. He had been on another trip and almost died because he gave his food and water to others that needed it more. He showed them how to make bricks out of material that was available. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His only crime was being an American in an anti-American area.
WilMac you're a dumbass!!