Try living in El Paso you get used to bad water. I can now put just about anything in my stomach and have it come out in solid form, hahaha. As for the black/white and gray stuff it's simply a matter of perspective. All issues can be broken down to their roots and given a black/white label. That however, does not account for many of the complex issues that will evovle from the root issue. In example the war with Iraq. Do we attack them Yes/No or Black/White. Now the question is what to do now, obviously the Gray area. In truth Republican Democrat they are all a bunch of lying scum that would sell their own Mothers into prostitution if it helped their political agenda. Beseides we all know that national politics is run by Oil Compaines, Pharmacuetical (SP Sorry?)Compainies and the CIA!!!! [Smoking]
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrannts."

Thomas Jefferson