So Fronty, you really chalk up the Ok. al Queda connection , subsequent 2002 F.B.I. interviews his detainment in Iraq along with additional F.B.I. interviews , aalong with his untimely death at the hands of assumed terroristsas just a mere coincidence?

Let's ignore ever other theory and supposition that is being tossed arround about his involvement with U.S. or Isreali intelligence. (After all his passport indicated that he had traveled to Isreal)

Ignore the orange jumpsuit thing. Forget about the gold ring and the fat terrorists in bulletproof vests wearing white tennis shoes using two cameras. Forget about the white plastic char that you can buy at any Wallmart in Iraq.

Forget about the broken timeline or the audio that didn't match up with the video. Forget about his company that didn't exist, wasn't registered with the state or incorporated. Forget about the fact that he was wandering arround Iraq alone with no job or job offers or no contracts. Forget about the books that were found on his person when he was detaind. Forget that his family had to sue the U.S. to release him from a custody that they still deny they had him in. Forget about his father's political views.

Just tell me one thing about one idea:

If you had to put the odds of a person being questioned by the F.B.I. relative to 9/11 and then finding himself being beheaded at the hands of terrorists where would you put them?

A billion to one? Ten billion to one? A hundred billion to one?

Let me ask you. If you were interviewed by the FBI about your possible involvement with a 9/11 terrorist would you EVER find yourself in the hotbed of terrorist and counterterrorist activity that Iraq is? EVER?

You really believe that this is all just one big coincidence?

If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure. - Vice President James Danforth "Dan" Quayle