
I am flattered that you always quote my posts and continue the debate to the next level. I guess I should be thankful you are not calling me a racist or facist every post. It seems contagious around here.... Well here we go....

Why do you always have to bring religion into every debate here on XOC? That is somewhat disturbing. Your disdain for the various flavors of the Christian faith has been duly noted in the numerous threads that have covered this subject.

I am skeptical of your link. It is a website for some kind of medical training. Doctors are in no way paragons of virtue just by the very fact that they are doctors. Abortion is a huge money maker for many. A doctor who is a truly moral man does not perform abortions. I also could not find anything related to non-Christian religions and their stance on abortion on that site. I found this interesting and so should you. If anything relating to other religions exists on the site, please post it. I tend to doubt it because the main target for attacks is Christianity and Judaism.

Many doctors have no sense of morality. This is prevalent especially in research doctors. Does cloning and genetic engineering of human life sound like a moral pursuit to you? If you are a moral relativist than you would think it is OK because you would have a neutral position on the issue. You would have a neutral position on all issues. Doctors are bad examples. You would probably find more morality amongst auto mechanics than the same numerical sample of doctors.

Religion is not the one and only foundation for morals in a society. You can be a moral man without being a religious individual. If there is not a shared set of moral values amongst the majority of the citizenry in any society, that society will become polarized and eventually fracture and fall apart. Such as what is happening to our society.

The Moral Relativism I speak of is this insane notion that everyone has a different sense of right and wrong. Some believe there is no right and wrong. They believe right and wrong are not absolute values, but are to be decided by the individual and can change from one situation or circumstance to the next. This is insanity.

Now do you know what moral relativism is? Does this help you at all? Is this what you believe?

"The worst place in hell is reserved for those who are neutral in times of crisis".....Dante Alighieri