Originally posted by NY Madman:
I guess you will never understand American policy towards Castro. It is right to embargo them. Castro is an enemy of America. Always has been. There is no need to reward him. But isn't that the liberal philosophy... befriend the enemies of America and help them? Especially the socialist and communist enemies? I find it strange that the House approved tourism to Cuba. We will see if that sticks. Once Castro is gone we can change our policy, providing they change their murderous and brutal style of government. You liberals always apologize and prop up communist and socialist dictators. This is an example of my comment toward you as an apologist of the enemies of America. All you liberals are cut from the same cloth.
So when do we cut off China completely? They are more of a threat than Cuba. Funny how the first steps toward engaging them came with a conservative. And even after 12 years of Reagan/Bush, they had "most favored nation" status. Cuba is no threat to us, and you know damn well they aren't. What are they going to do, overrun us with all 11,000,000 citizens? Maybe ship over some of those 1950's cars?

What's with the bedroom shit? Again you're liberal insanity is all over the board. Conservatives believe the privacy issue is a right of the states. As it should be. It is not mentioned in The Constitution. You liberals believe the federal government has the right to dictate whatever they wish. As long as it advances your agenda. What does this have to do with Palestinian terrorism? You deviate from the topic too much Moby when painted into a corner and when you have no valid argument on the subject at hand.
You are the one who said liberals want to control people's lives. I gave an example of conservatives wanting to. Privacy is not mentioned in the constitution, but it has been ruled time and time again to be an absolute right by the courts. Not just liberal courts, mind you.

I am also alarmed at the same liberal anti-Semitic arguments you throw around regarding Israel.
Yeah, my best friend growing up and his family, who was closer to mine than any other, would certainly agree that I'm anti-semitic. Why else would I go to every one of their Bar-Mitzvahs, go to social events at their temple, have dinner with them and their rabbi, and join them in their Jewish ceremony when their mother died. Whatever.

You refuse to acknowlege the murderous insanity on the part of the "so-called" Palestinians.
Hmm...I recall saying I was "pro-both-sides-need-to-get-their-shit-together." Guess that was refusing that both sides have issues. Whatever.

It is always the bullshit argument about setlements on land that was won and acquiesced in a war. A war the Israeli's did not start. Land that never beloned to the "so-called" Palestinians in the first place. Land that was actually included in the borders of another country at one time.
Nor has it always belonged to Israel. Should we give part of the US back to the Indians? Oh wait...that has nothing to do with this...I'm just grasping for straws.

The Palestinian bullshit is one of the biggest lies perpetrated on the world. It is a snowball that gets bigger with every roll.
Yes, it is a snowball...Palestinian terrorists attack...Israel strikes back...Palestinians strike back...Israel strikes back...ad infinitum.

I am wondering about your motives for buying into the whole bullshit lie in the first place. You are basically a predictable liberal. Lately you have been showing a disturbing slant towards the usual leftist positions. You are not as passive as I once thought you were. You seem to be inflicted with the "useful idiot" syndrome.
I've not bought into any bullshit. There are Palestinian idiots. There are Israeli idiots (Netanyahu, anyone?). BOTH sides. Israel isn't some grand-without-fault entity. Nor are the Palestinians. I question why Israel builds settlements where they are not supposed to when they KNOW it's going to cause problems. That's just baiting. Since we are occupying Afghanistan and Iraq now, why don't we start building some American settlements there. You know...that might help with security...from Afghanistan we can keep a closer eye on China, and in Iraq, we can better protect our interests (I know if I come out and flat out say what those interests are, someone is going to accuse me of thinking that's the only reason we went in).
"Nature has constituted utility to man the standard and test of virtue. Men living in different countries, under different circumstances, different habits and regimens, may have different utilities; the same act, therefore, may be useful and consequently virtuous in one country which is injurious and vicious in another differently circumstanced" - Thomas Jefferson, moral relativist