Originally posted by WilMac1023:

And you don't find it highly risky for the prostitutes in Nevada to have sex with numerous partners? The HIV virus can stay hidden in the bloodstream for six years. Frequent tests prove nothing. They just prove that you don't have it AT THAT MOMENT.

And what happens if the prostitute contracts HIV between medical tests? There could be twenty, thirty, fifty guys come through, and she doesn't know she's passing it along. How is this safer than the bath house?
I don't care how many sex partners the hookers have. Will they let you have unprotected sex? I highly doubt that. The risk for the hookers contracting HIV is higher than that for the customers. Transfer of the virus from female to male is not as easy. HIV infection is further reduced by using condoms. In the bath houses they have unprotected sex with numerous partners. Transfer amongst males is the primary method of infection in this country. What is so hard to figure out here? The two places are poor comparisons.

Regarding Magic Johnson... If he was having sex with guys... no his teammates would not know about it. I doubt a professional athlete would want that being known by anyone for reasons I stated in a previous post.

By the way.... cut down on your fucking name calling. I can call you ignorant or idiot in every post also but I don't. If that's the kind of exchanges you want to have then I can be like that too. I've made an effort to cut down on that shit. If you want to have civil dialougues I suggest you also pull it back somewhat.