Originally posted by Mobycat:

This I agree with. A doctor should not be allowing someone to get that far. To me, it is a violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

Unethical and illegal. If the doctor is supplying him knowing the reasons, he should at the minimum be put on some sort of probation. Investigate whether his license should be yanked.
Look at our society today. How many times do you see pharmaceutical companies advertising prescription drugs directly to the public on TV ( this happens too much) ... and in print ads? Something is wrong here. People see these commercials and demand the drugs from their doctors and the doctors comply. Maybe there is collusion. I don't know. That is a serious indictment but it might not be far from the truth.

Doctors are not what they used to be. There are no "Marcus Welby's" anymore.

My parents are getting older and due to their age, things naturally have started to go wrong. I have dealt with my share of doctors over the last few years. I have to say with most of them... the trust factor is low.... and that is a shame.