Originally posted by Stone4x4:

I think the lost people should sue the crap out of all those States for not making signs in a language they can understand.

And that cop needs to go to jail for not being able to converse with them. And only seven bucks? I mean c'mon. He lives off of the taxpayers and makes a killing compared to those people, who by the way are only doing jobs we won't do. Who cares if the cash came out of his pocket, he had a twenty in there for sure.

We need to all band together to ban this type of wanton abandonment of our immigrants. Please join me in learning every language and help me to pay to have every single thing (well except Spanish only billboards, they are okay) printed and made with every single language known to man, including Klingon. Would not want to exclude anyone. Because, doggone it, only then will we all be able to join together around a simulated fire in a big paved lot, with no hazards to anyone or our environment, and sing Kumbaya so that every person, person and person (formerly man women and child, removed due to ACLU regs...) can know all the words.

Because that should truly be our goal. Thank you.
Ahh Stone....

We don't call them immigrants anymore. The updated rules of "newspeak" require you to use a hyphen. For example we would call them Hispanic-Americans. We are all hyphenated now.

If they were illegal immigrants, we don't call them that either. We use the terms "undocumented aliens" or "migrant workers".

I am glad you mentioned the taxpayers should pay for everything. After all, the taxpayers are nothing but capitalists who got rich via racism and abuses of a more noble victimized class of people. In the People's Republic of America the only thing that is important is to be a member of a victimized group. You are never responsible for your personal behavior.

Anyone who thinks these "noble victimized people" are morons or stupid, should be thrown in jail for 5 years for "hate thought crimes"..... [Uh Oh !]