Thanks Shahram for your ..crisp.. thoughts. wink

I basically agree with your ranting but I try not to be so cynical (or should I say, realistic?). Yet if Hilary doesn't run in 2008 who else could win it for the Dems? Hilary is very polarizing but she might win a majority of the women Republican voters .. just because getting a woman in the White House is more important than the policies she represents. I cannot believe has-been John Edwards has a chance (and the man's only qualification is having a pretty smile), and the current collection of senators out there from either party are generally pretty awful.

One guy in the senate who *seems* decent is Chuck Hagel, a Republican. But after the 2000 election I cannot seeing myself voting Republican regardless of the candidate's credibility. I'm not proud of this, ..kinda sucks really.., but at least there are probably millions of other Americans with the same attitude.
