Originally posted by Desert_Rat:
At least you were right in calling all your comments "Bullshit".

Yep, as conservatives, we're all a bunch of sick wannabe fascists. If we were, we'd just shoot liberal scum like you on sight. But instead we refrain and let you talk all the shit about this country and its leadership that you want because this is America, and you have that right.

Put down the houka.
First, learn how to fucking spell. Second, show me any statement I've ever made that could remotely be considered "liberal" (at least in the textbook sense). I know you're not that smart, but it's just one word, and you should learn its meaning, especially if you're gonna go applying it to people. Third, since when is it a bad thing to "talk shit about this country and its leadership"? This country's leadership stinks to high hell, and its denizens are the dumb fucks who allow them to bend us over the counter. More people should be talking shit about this country and its leadership--we're getting fucked, not fondled, and it's about damn time you "conservatives" (conservative is in quotation marks because you're not conservative, you're Police State Liberals, as opposed to Welfare State Liberals) woke the fuck up and realized your blind adherence to this wannabe John Wayne propaganda is spurious, worth fuck-all, and call it what you want, it ain't "conservative" and it sure as hell ain't "defending freedom". It's corporate greed in a cowboy hat, and if you aren't smart or aware enough to see that, then you deserve the shitstorm you reap.