Well, I for one think Axle did the right thing, seeing as how I was there. It was said before that it was either slam into the back of the X's in front of him, go off the side of the mountain and kill his entire family, or do what he did.

I was second in line. We were not going too fast. The leader hit a downed tree that was halfway in the road. There was no way to avoid it. I did the same thing that Axle tried to do and steered into the ditch to avoid hitting the vehicle in front of me and it worked. As soon as I stopped I reached for my radio (as did everyone in the group) and tried to get the message out that we had stopped in the trail but it was too late. Circumstances were such, that there was nothing that he could do.

As far as people preaching, please step down off of you soap boxes. Everyone has done something foolish or reckless in their lives, so don't try to be all high and mighty.

To Axle,

Only those of us that were there know what really happened. Don't worry what the armchair quarterbacks have to say. You did the only thing that you could.

So that one may walk in peace.....