Originally posted by wordtothis:
what i was really looking for was them to tell me that i could try it and it wouldn't fuck up my steering, that was my main concern, but no, they wouldn't even do that, they just spouted the same old dribble as though i was a clueless individual and didn't even take the time to listen.
Did you ever think of liability issues ?
If CALMINI said "sure, do whatever you want with parts not designed for your Xterra", and then your steering failed and you ended up a quad, do you think they would appreciate that ?
A manufacturer shouldn't be required to talk about anything but the products they make per vehicle. If you want to put Isuzu parts on a Nissan, give it a whirl, but don't ask them for help with it.

I'm good friends with Steve Kramer at CALMINI, (we talk almost daily), and I am shocked at some of the stories I hear about from people on this board calling them. I would just unplug the phone if I had to listen to it all day.
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