Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Guido:

There is a BIG difference between a homosexual and a pedophile, you seem to infer that they are one in the same. I am willing to bet there are more straight pedophiles then gay.

Your ignorance is truly amazing sometimes.
I am stating fact. I know the difference. A pedophile is an adult who has sex with a pre-pubescent child. A grown man having sex with a 15 year old boy is a homosexual.

I was bringing attention to the spin and protection of homosexuals by the media during the whole mess with the Catholic Church.

There may be more straight pedophiles but we are talking about priests and the Catholic Church. Is this an example of your ignorance or are you placing some liberal bullshit spin to the subject?

You liberals have a hard time with reality and facts.
One entry found for pedophilia.

Main Entry: pe·do·phil·ia
Pronunciation: "pE-d&-'fi-lE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1906
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

According to Webster, what you would call a homosexual is actually a pedophile. A person is not an adult until the age of 18, so therefore a person having sex (male or female) with anyone under the age of 18 would be classified a pedophile.

It is funny that anyone who disagrees with you is a liberal. I would not classify myself as liberal, I have in fact voted for more than one Republican. [Finger]
"There must be a hell of a ballgame going on upstairs. God must have needed a No. 3 hitter, because he took Puck away from us way too soon."
-Kent Hrbek