On a side note:

About a week ago I was driving home through a residential area on the main road. The speed limit was 35 MPH and there was a solid double yellow line on the whole road as it was residential and windy. Well, I see children out so I am going about 32 MPH. The SUV behind was right on my ass trying to make me speed up. This went on for about 1 minute and Mr. Antsy Pantsy got tired and passed me on the left hand side, crossing the double yellow line and almost running into an oncoming car head on.

The funniest part of this whole thing is the idiot turned into the very next section of the neighborhood indicating to me he/she was almost home. Guess those 5 seconds were so important that they were willing to risk life.

I will also note that this same vehicle almost hit me at the intersection prior to me turning on the road. I was an all way stop. I had made my stop and was taking a left onto the road. I was already in the intersection and they ran their stop sign almost hitting me, they slammed on the breaks at the last minute.

So for all those tailgaters... [Finger]