Originally posted by WilMac1023:

*cough* Hyde *cough*
*cough* Helms *cough*
*cough* Thurmond *cough*
*cough* Gingrich *cough*
*cough* Lott *cough*
*cough* David Duke *cough*
*cough* Hoover *cough*
*cough* Socrates *cough*
*cough* Limbaugh *cough*
*cough* McCarthy *cough*
*cough* NYMadman *cough*
A couple of those names are actually good company.

We need another Sen. McCarthy these days with all the communists and fifth column enemies that permeate not only the government but many legal and civic organizations. Not to mention the leftist foundations funding un-american activities. I say bring back the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

None of those people you mentioned are however... murderers. I think we have all noticed that whenever hard socialists or communists consolidate power the first thing that happens is mass murder.

Let's see what company you are in:

* Vladimir Lenin
* Josef Stalin
* Chairman Mao Tse Tung
* Adolf Hitler
* Pol Pot
* Fidel Castro
* Saddam Hussein

That's just a few of the more famous socialists. (Between Mao and Stalin over 100 million alone were murdered) Many millions more by the others, and many more still today by the various socialists around the world.

Socialism is evil and always leads to death and tyranny. Leftists are evil, only some don't know it. They think they are only being "compassionate". Evil never announces itself. It always cloaks itself as something else.

I would think a Christian like yourself would know this. I guess a "bogus" Christian wouldn't.