Originally posted by WilMac1023:

Hitler was the most ruthless proponent of right-wing social doctrine in world history. Stalin, Mao and others massacred people in the name of equality, the common good and socialist dogma (the engineered famines, for example) and were social leftists, granted. Hitler massacred people because he thought they were vermin and was a social rightist. The characterisation of Hitler as right-wing is fair because his genocidal crimes were committed as a result of his right-wing social ideals. That he was economically leftist is true but irrelevant.

That you, Madman, are the biggest fool on this board is not only true, but irrefutable. Challenge me on this post. I dare you.
Yes we do need the committee again. It was not the darkest period in American history. It was neccessary. It rooted out many communists and put the brakes on communist infiltration of the U.S. Government in it's day. Unfortunately the country is swimming with hard leftists today. The only people who thought the committee was a bad thing were the leftists and all their leftist hollywood friends. To say McCarthy was a bad thing is propaganda. He was definitely on the right track but he fucked up near the end. This country needs something like that again because to much of the hard left is working to destroy this country and bring it down.

I don't know why you bring Islam into this. The hard left in America is in total alliance with Islam and the fundamentalists. Islam is the only religion they do not condemn and fight to remove from society.

I am not surprised that you make excuses for the millions murdered by Mao and Stalin. That speaks volumes about you.

Yes Hitler was a socialist. Some of his methods can be deemed right wing but there is no doubt that the Nazi's were socialists. Nazi is an acronym for National Socialist. Nazi's share much with the left of today. Most notably their hatred of Jews. Some of that is due to their alliance with radical Islam.

You don't like me. I couldn't care less. I happen to think you are one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever log into this board. Your apologist bullshit for the murder of millions in the name of communism is further proof that you are total scum.

And you are no Christian. You have been nothing but a bullshit artist since the first day you posted here.