Originally posted by NY Madman:

No you are not a moral man. You an an AMORAL person (man is debatable).
More of a man than you'll ever be. At least I'm at ease with my heterosexual orientation, unlike yourself. You hate homosexuals because you fear them, or fear becoming one of them.

I've spun nothing. Anyone who has read any of your posts in any type of religious subject is well aware of your disdain for everything Christian. Especially the Catholic Church. Your quotes in this thread and right above reinforce that.
Well you're right about my position on the Catholic Church, the biggest hypocritical organization in the world today. I wonder what Jesus would have thought about how the Catholic church cradled and protected it's pedophiles all those years.

Oh... and stop saying Hoover and McCarthy were gay. They were not. All you have is heresay and inuendo put forward by left wing scum. You leftists are pathetic. You love gays who wear their sexuality on their sleeves or display their perversion in parades. Didn't you really mean to say that you only respect the radical ones or those in bed with the Democrats. I'm sure you think the Republican ones and Log Cabin's are "pickle smoochers".
I take it then you have no problem with someone being buried next to their significant other, huh? Who's going to be buried next to you?

You're a sick twisted bastard Sean. The day you claimed you would teach your kid about the uses of his penis took the cake.
And I still stand by my comment today. I have no problem teaching my son about the birds and the bees before he learns it on the street.

I am positive we do not share 85% values on anything.
Maybe your right. I don't share your blind hatered on certain matters.
Ned Flanders: "Some people say being a cave man is old fashioned, then I guess I'm just a cave man...if they existed....which they didn't."

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