Originally posted by WilMac1023:

Yes, but taken out of context. Put into context, I'm making a valid argument that both left and right have their extremests, and extremests in any sense are bad news.
Nothing was taken out of context. You were defending Soviet and Maoist purges of millions.

You even got your whole argument wrong. According to you genocide made Hitler right wing and in some twist of history you seem to think his economy was that of a leftist government. All wrong. The Nazi government was a total socialist government once it consolidated power. The primary thing that distinguished it from a leftist socialist government was it's economic policies and private property rights. Everything else was virtually identical. Your description of the Nazi's economy as "leftist" is far from accurate.

Genocide does not define a government as "right wing". What kind of bullshit propaganda is that? Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot each committed genocide. Even Saddam was a "Stalinist" type socialist and he made attempts at genocide.

The original point of the whole thing I made was that socialism is evil and always devolves into tyranny. Authoritarian socialist governments always kill and always on a large scale. There are almost no exceptions since the concept of socialism has been introduced.

And you defended this murder as the "common good". There was no other way your statement could be taken. Considering the inaccuracies in your statement it could have been made out of pure ignorance. You also could have been regurgitating some indoctrinated propaganda that has infected you. It's hard to tell because of leftists like yourself constantly attempting to portray socialism and communism in a favorable light.

Hitler was the most ruthless proponent of right-wing social doctrine in world history. Stalin, Mao and others massacred people in the name of equality, the common good and socialist dogma (the engineered famines, for example) and were social leftists, granted. Hitler massacred people because he thought they were vermin and was a social rightist. The characterisation of Hitler as right-wing is fair because his genocidal crimes were committed as a result of his right-wing social ideals. That he was economically leftist is true but irrelevant.