Originally posted by NY Madman:
You did read the post did'nt you? You are saying that it is alright for Jewish and Islamic symbols to be displayed in NYC schools but Christian symbols are not? You are condoning this anti-Christian bigotry?

This is not fair or equitable at all.
Huh? You aren't making any sense. Here's what I believe, in plain and simple english.

1) There should be no endorsement of any religion of any kind in any taxpayer supported public building. That includes posting any religious imagery, symbols, or statements from any of the religious scriptures, be they Hindu, Muslim, Jewish or Christian. None!

2) I don't believe that the NYC school is constitutional. Not because it is endorsing a lifestyle, but because it is government sponsored segregation. If people are to get along, they have to get along on their own terms. The more we separate into different classes, ranks, beliefs, sexual orientations, and the like, the more segregated our country becomes.

It's a melting pot. Melt, dammit.