Originally posted by Bikeman:
Just saw on the news this evening that the dude was found dead on a flight to LA that was diverted to Denver. Passengers found the body in the lav. He commited suicide according to the authorities here in Denver.
Ya think?

Originally posted by 05_X, at 2:44 pm, almost 4.5 hours before Bikeman:
Well, I just heard that the guy who did this (um, the one who the thread was originally about) just hung himself in the bathroom of an airplane during a flight.

I was talking to my wife on the phone and she said she had just heard it on the news.

(hmm need to add some stupid witty comment...)
I think this is really a wake up call for Ford. If their vehicles didn't suck so much, this kind of thing might not happen. [Huh?]
(sorry that's all I could come up with)

Edited to add link:
I love the ALR . . .
Does anybody remember laughter?