Originally posted by Aero Steve:
Originally posted by NismoXse02:
[b]That's why you get 2 degrees... :p
In all seriousness, I have found it's better to stick with a small company. You're much more valuable there and unless you just flat out suck, you'll be able to hold the job.

On another note, can anyone beat my record? 4 jobs in one year! [LOL]
Next month will be 15 years at my current job. We have 27 employees.[/b]
YEP, Big companies suck for most all reasons imaginable and worse, reasons un-imaginable. Good for the typically, apathetic lazy a-Holes that make up the majority of the world. Many consider big companies to be "safe and secure"....What a joke, Give me a break.

Congrats on so long in one job...A rarity in this day and time.