well i read it... after all these years i had forgotten that thread... i was a lurker then, had not been active in the club for a while, but enjoyed reading what was happening and after the little refresher I must say Cary was right... or at least to him he was

you guys fucked up.... or at least didn't handle it well.

BUT, cary went off the deep end and couldn't just walk away... he had to convince you all that he was right... i made a similar mistake and have not been out with sccx since... closest thing was the last WestX which went... well, there is a reason it was the last one.

yeah Cary went screwy... i guess in his world he figured he had to attempt to pre-run the CCX memorial run because no one else would, maybe he just couldn't let go of his concern for others... and maybe in the back of his mind he hoped something would go wrong to prove to you all that he was right... problem is the only one that had a problem was him... it was a huge gamble to do that run without prerunning... it paid off for the SCCX group and not for Cary... In fact Cary's reputation on XOC went form knowledgable grouchy old timer, to complete lunatic stalker nut job over night.

Socalpunx and i discussed this when it first happened and those were the choices... concerned for others, half-hoping for disaster... or stalker nut job... and that still appears the only two logical choices to me.

If you look at the history I think Cary's point of view and emotional attachment is understandable... I'm sure he was hoping that if he threatened to leave, you guys might take notice, like with Lory, but that didn't happen... worse yet, in trying to get you guys to take notice he kept going on and on about something you all didnt agree with and/or did not see at the time(and maybe still don't)...

when you are a lone man standing on the street yelling at people about things they don't see... you're a nut job.

when you are yelling at a group of people who see things the way you do... you're preaching to the choir.

sadly Cary apparently still doesn't know the difference...

it's a tough pill to swallow, lets lay right and wrong aside for a minute...

There is no way you will ever... ever... get them to see this your way... maybe one day they will experience something that makes them realize you were right... maybe not. But until then... you are just going to be labeled a lunatic and no one will actually look at what you have been saying for the last 2 years as anything more than the meandering ramblings and conspiracy theories of a deranged man.

Most of you were not around at the beginning... but it honestly was Cary, Brian, Lory and Steve(i thinkthat's right, been a long time... Y2K) they ran it.. as a team... it devolved a bit and became Cary Planning, Lory peace keeping and Brian taking all the credit and leading all the runs... this had to piss Cary off... i'm not putting words in his mouth, but the rest of us noticed it and it was definately a topic of discussion at the numerous photo stops and other annoying stoppages and we pondered how long Cary could handle it...

apparently only about 4 years.

I'm sure the SCCX of now is very different from then, but you have to understand that in all likelyhood NO ONE put more into building sccx than Cary... the time, the effort, the money, the heart, soul and emotion... imagine if you will that you spent the amount of time and effort he did, only to first have someone else take credit for all your work and then have people laugh at your opinion... mock you and generally disregard you...

I know you are going to hate that last part... probably think i'm talking out of my ass, It's entirely possible that this is news to you... you may not have known how much your actions rubbed people the wrong way... There were several members back in the day that left because of that situation... i was not the only one. You are the face of SCCX, like it or not... your actions act as a large eraser for your words. It is very important to choose both... wisely.

look, opinions are like assholes.. everyone has one and they all stink, but that's what this comes down to... put yourself in the other guys shoes... in that regard I think it is pretty easy to understand peoples motivations for their actions... on both sides of the issue.

---edited to add message to brian and elaborate on a few things... also to fix some grammatical crap... although I'm sure more exists-----