I think there are a couple of movies that this situation could be likend to... Involved some sort of psycho that got dumped by his girlfriend and he went off the deepend with the stalking and not letting go. Although I think even they give up after a couple of months. I can see that this event mentally scarred a couple of people and they might need some professional help with "letting go" That is kind of a half joke there, but seriously, that guy might need to get professional help with this. This event has seems to have consumed him, rational thought giving way to a hateful, spiteful, huge chip on the shoulder mentality. I think its in his best interest for all of those involved to just let it die. God forbid he snaps and does something drastic. Take a vacation Cary, a long one, for mental health reasons. I dont know you at all or the situation, but you are showing yourself more and more as an unstable mind ticking towards a bad ending. Take a break from the intarweb and just enjoy your life. You were fine before the Xterra club and you can be fine after it. Dont let this event give the members on here such a skewd view of who you are. Cut the loses, be thankful for what you have, and let this die.