Originally posted by Sean:
No suprise to anyone that Bush was going to sign this:
Duh! Of course he signed it. He has supported it since the beginning of the bill. :rolleyes:

But we all know this is really just another salvo at Roe vs Wade. What I don't understand is if the Republicans were so sure of themselves here, and knew this legislation was going to be a slam-dunk, why not include the provision "except to protect the health of the mother" or if the fetus in question has serious aliments? It's not like this kind of abortion is common, it happens to be very rare, performed only 0.5% of the time.
Don't be an idiot. This has nothing to do with RVW. It has to do with abolishing a worthless brutal procedure that has no medical necessity. The guy that came up with the procedure testified in the hearings that there is no reason to use it. The law does allow for it to be used if the mother is going to die, and there is no other way to help her, just in case. The bit the Dems wanted would have made the law worthless, because pregnancy is always a risk to a woman's health.

Anything to appease the Christian Coalition, right? I wonder how many millions will be spent on defending/appealing this law? I personally don't feel that abortion should be used as a means of birth control, but if birth control was accepted by more people (i.e Catholic Church), wouldn't the number of abortions drop? Isn't better to stop life from starting rather than to kill it midstream?

All I can say is if you were sick of hearing about this subject before, just you wait, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Blah, Blah, Blah. This law is a good law. I believe in a woman's right to choose. This procedure has no place in that though. It is disgusting, and as everyone in the hearings testified, there is no real reason that it has to be done.

They basically shove forceps up inside the woman, and turn the baby around so that it is coming out feet first. This part of the procedure is quite dangerous to the woman's health. Once they pull the legs out, they stop when the head is just barely still in there. They then take scissors, poke a hole in the back of the baby's head, and suck it's brains out to kill it.
Redsox1113: F*** Iran, the only thing that ever came out of iran was the iron sheik, and hulk hogan whipped his ass. F'em