Originally posted by Claus:

Then give me your view on how Radical Islam"izm" can be defeated or are your views more one of racial hate in a "let's kill all the fuckers kindaway"?. I value your views and "most" of your post are well thought out , hence my question. Surely you must agree that fighting Radical Muslim terrorists, using conventional methods of war would mean conducting war in almost every country on earth including your own

So are we doomed or is there a solution?
We certainly are doomed as long as there are people like you in the West who make accusations of racial hate. (Islam is not a race by the way, and all types of Muslims from numerous racial and ethnic backgrounds have been arrested in terror plots. Even recently in Canada if you actually pay attention).

Openly declaring the "War on Terror" a war on radical Islam would be the first step and would go a long way to solving some problems. Even the farce known as the "9-11 Commission" stated this fact.

But then we have to overcome the cowardice aspect of Westerners. Too many people are willing to placate the complaints of radical Islamic groups like CAIR who are known jihadist supporters and who have members and some founders in jail for terrorism.

We have a morally bankrupt media who refuses to educate the public on the facts. We have idealogically corrupt politicians who refuse to allow law enforcement to "profile" terrorist suspects. Profiling Muslims is not bigoted when the majority of Muslim leaders openly support jihad and terrorism. Didn't England learn that the hard way?

We have idiots in Denmark who are allowing a radical Imam back into their country who was responsible for the burning of the Danish Embassy in Lebanon by inciting riots from the cartoons five months ago.


Not allowing these radical Imams in the West would also be a good start.

The West is on a path to suicide. All over Europe people are being prevented and even charged with crimes for insulting Islam. All the while Muslims are allowed to preach hate and jihad against the West.

That shit is starting to take hold here in the US too. Your country Canada is gravely guilty of this type of policy.

There are many things the West could be doing. Unfortunately common sense has been destroyed by suicidal political notions.