Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Trihead:

[b]I am proud that our country can be one of the worlds greatest sources of aid in times of need.
Not only can be... it is on a daily basis. No other nation on earth does more for other people of other nations. No people on earth are as generous as Americans.

That should be a great source of pride for you.

Rah Rah USA sound just like Rah Rah USSR or Rah Rah Germany not the actions just the words.
I think that sounds irrational.

You're a glass is half empty kind of guy... aren't you?[/b]
Actually I am more a "are you going to drink that" kind of guy.

In person I am a very up beat kind of person. I try and live life at full volume. I guess the only person on here that has spent time with me is babyx and I think she would agree that my love of life is pretty infectious. Not sure that it comes through on an message board.

The worlds problems do bother me and the search for answers is something I enjoy.